Hari Ma Healing Healing Therapies in Bristol

What happens in a therapy session. woman recieving cranio original size

What happens in a session

As all therapists and healers are different, I believe its important to know a bit about how I work, so you can make an informed choice.

My sessions are clients led. I take time to ask about what's going on for a client, take concise notes, acknowledge medical/emotional history, whats led them to seek support, and what they want to get out of it. This part of the session is as much part of the work as the time spent on the table. I will be tracking energy as clients talk about experiences, physical and emotional issues, supporting potential integrations, and getting the bigger picture so when its time to move to the table, we have already built up some relationship to whats in the space.

Often when a client comes for a number of sessions they may notice life themes, signs in daily life, or particular physical sensations or emotion becoming more activated, or begin to clarify, before a session. This can be related to the layers of healing in the body/soul, that are ready to unravel, during the work on the couch. Choosing to be curious and keep an open mind with these details can really help with understanding, integration, and ownership of the healing process.

There may be spiritual tidying up to do. Often clients are drawn to me when they have had loved ones who have passed and have not fully moved onto the spiritual realms. This often creates a jamming up of cycling thoughts, emotions, patterns, for close ones still here. Spiritual guides can often also become disorientated and need support. When beings are where they need to be, there is more space for healing for everybody. I am able to receive information that helps me to assist those who are stuck, and support them with their transition, often issues they have carried for decades can dissolve in minutes and allow them let go and reunite with their spiritual tribe.

When we get to work on the couch, I give deeper attention to listening to the layers of rythyms, activated symptoms, dormant energy, and deeper resourcing intelligence, naturally present in the body and energyfield. This part of the session as generally a mixture of quiet, tracking the body, and communicating. I may ask questions about what I am sensing in a clients system, body, emotions, I may invite the client to participate in engaging in something like breathing into a particular part of the body, or witnessing a particular emotion, if it is conscious. Many of my clients find this approach empowering, as they get to participate in their healing, and gain a deeper understanding of their process.

I also work with clients in movement, sessions are not limited to work on the couch. If a birth pattern comes up, for example, I may invite an exploration and opportunity to move on the floor with the birth dynamics and repattern what has been held in the body. This work allows whole systems to reorganise in the psyche/emotions and body, with a client having a really embodied understanding of how their birth influenced them, and new pathways they have created. Also exploring movement can really highlight issues that are held in the masculine and feminine aspects of our being, for example, as the body reveals where life is more fluid and where it is more held, or where these aspects may be conflicting with eachother. Some clients have trauma associated with a medical situation, or other reason why getting on the couch may be activating. I always make sure that a client is ready before getting on the table, that they are empowered in their decision. Session work can be done standing, sitting on the chair, however is best, and any issues with a loss of power are important to recognise. I am committed to my clients well being at all times. The work on the couch is not invasive, touch is gentle, with clothes on, permission is always negotiated, sometimes when working in the energy field around the body, I work without direct touch.

What happens in a therapy session. grieving mother and spirit child

Sessions can also bring to light ancestral trauma, and unresolved repeating patterns held in our cellular memory. Our family history can become apparent as the deep listening to a clients system provides the safety for understanding and resolution for sometimes ancient woundings, often hiding behind more current situations and stuck energy.
Forgivenes often plays a big part in healing, and can only happen when a person truly connects with their authentic feelings and being. This path to self empathy, and empathy for others, is often naturally generated as a client gains deeper insights about the true nature of their dis-ease or issue/s. These openings help to reveal, inherently, the bigger picture, ultimately of our own innocence, what we have chosen to work with in our lives, and to cultivate compassion and healthier boundaries in relation to those around us.

I also work with the shamanic practice of soul retrieval, and pay attention to other aspects of the soul, for example, archetypes, and power animals. Sometimes a client's intelligent guiding system, will prioritise an experience for healing, that is deeply influencing their present life, but is rooted in another period of their soul's existence.

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